Bee Jokes!

What did the queen bee say to the naughty bees? 'Bee hive' your self!

What do bees use to style there hair? Honey comb

What should you say to a nosy interfering bee? Mind your own 'buzziness'

Where do bees catch a bus? 
A 'buzz stop'

Which is the bees favourite tv channel? 
The beebee c

Who is the bees favourite singer? Sting!

What is a bee's favorite part of relationship? The honeymoon period.

Why did the bee go to the barbershop? To get a buzz-cut.

What did one bee say to the Queen bee? 
Your so bee-tiful! Will you bee my wife?

Where do bees keep their money?  In a honey box!

What do you call a bee born in May? A maybe!

Why did the bee get married? Because he found his honey!

What do you call bears without ears? B's!

What do you call a bee who can’t stop eating? Chub-bee

Who protects the queen bee? Her hub-bee

What bee is a sore loser? A cry-ba-bee

What does a wasp say during an identity crisis? "TO BEE OR NOT TO BEE!"

How do you fight a killer bee? With a buzz-ooka

What do you call a bee that lives in America? USB!

Who is the bees favourite pop group? The Bees Gees!

What singer is most popular for the bees? Bee-yonce.

What kind of bee can't be understood? A mumble bee!

Where do bees keep their money? In a honey box!

What do you call a wasp? A wannabee

What is more amazing than a talking dog? A spelling bee

What is a bees favourite sport? Rugbee

What bees make milk? Boobees

What goes zzub zzub? A bee flying backwards

What are the cleverest bees? Spelling bees

What bee is good for your health ? Vitamin bee