Come Visit our Bee Hive

Dear Reader,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you to inform you of the wonderful beehive at Ynysddu Primary School. We hope you come to our wonderful beehive! We have three hives and four queen bees, called Mary, Victoria, Elizabeth and Elsa. Queen Elsa only comes out in the summer. There is hole for bees to come out in winter, but if they did come out into the winter cold air they would die and the queen would also die of hunger.

Here are three amazing honey bee facts:
1. Honey bees communicate with one another by dancing.

2. Honey bees must gather nectar from two million flowers to make one pound of honey.

3. When a bee finds a good source of nectar it flies back to the hive and shows it to their friends where the nectar source is by doing a dance which positions the flower in relation to the sun and hive. This is known as the ‘waggle dance’.

I hope you liked our three amazing honey bee facts!

Come and taste the wonderful honey, made by our precious bees down in our wonderful beehive, which was set up in our wonderful school by our lovely beekeeper Lorne. Here is a picture of our beehive: